JHL Consultants

Medical Applications


Updated 29th January 2024

The latest version works for both Catheter Ablation cases and Cardiac Surgery. The use of an infusion is not required, but may be helpful in maintaining the desired activated clotting time (ACT). The ACT after  re-infusion of pump blood can be used to estimate any additional doses of protamine that  may be required.

OSX 64 Bit Version 5.2 (MacIntosh)

Windows 64 Bit Version 5.2 (Microsoft)


● Version 5.1 corrects a significant bug that occurs when the record is saved before all the data fields needed to calculate the individual patient's heparin:ACT dose-response curve have been entered. The decision has also been taken to provide a version that includes information for both catheter ablation cases and cardiac surgical cases, reducing the number of versions to two, one for Windows and one for OSX (MacIntosh) computers.

● Version 5.0 provides an encrypted database for confidentiality. De-identified data can still be exported for review and research purposes.

● Version 4.6.4 has improved data capture and storage for viscoelastic testing modules.

● Version 4.6.+ Installer does not work on Mac OSX 10.11 or lower. It enables exporting all data, including information stored from viscoelastic testing with ClotPro, Rotem, TEG and Quantra Q Plus machines. It is essential to register this version of the software if more than 21 patients are to be entered. It has improved ability to suggest management options. New interpretation has been added to TEG 6s

● It is recommended that this application be used in conjunction with the i-Stat or Medtronic HMS Plus for measuring ACT. These devices appear to have a linear response between heparin concentration as indicated by anti-Xa and ACT.

● If the ACT device has a space in the name, then it fails to load the defaults correctly and won't work as it should. The fix is to remove all spaces from the name of the ACT device. We are looking into this issue and hope to have it resolved soon. Older versions of the software do not allow you to edit the name of the device this has been fixed in the latest version.

● A user manual is now being developed. This will contain an explanation of the theory behind the application.